Not much really needs to be said about InDesign. The publishing world runs on it. There is an interesting history of desktop publishing, but I don’t intend to cover that here. What is interesting to me these days is that you can gain access to most of Adobe software, including InDesgin, through the monthly subscription Creative Cloud program. It is not free, but if you are interested in exploring these technologies it is the only way to do it as an individual.
I would be interested to hear of alternative software people use instead of Adobe software. But for anyone who works in book production, InDesign is such a standard that you need to learn it.
InDesign has support for the creation of EPUB books. The support for .xml output has important applications to publishing, and will be explored at a future time. I also have used the Publish Online feature recently and that worked brilliantly for quickly creating a document that could be linked to from an .epub publication.
- To learn InDesgin I undertook a project to create a Dual-Language (English-German) version of The Critique of Pure Reason by Immanuel Kant. The original text and the translation are in the public domain.
The Preface to the First Edition and Second Edition are provided here.
I am thinking of adding some pedagogy and interactivity to the documents to sell an .epub version as an iBook and as a Kindle Book. More to come when available.
More on The Critique of Pure Reason under the Systems of Knowledge /Philosophy tab.