Welcome to an introduction to reStructuredText

Indices and tables

This is a document written in ReStructuredtext to describe steps to use this documentation tool.


The following quote is from: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html “reStructuredText is an easy-to-read, what-you-see-is-what-you-get plaintext markup syntax and parser system. It is useful for in-line program documentation (such as Python docstrings), for quickly creating simple web pages, and for standalone documents. reStructuredText is designed for extensibility for specific application domains. The reStructuredText parser is a component of Docutils. reStructuredText is a revision and reinterpretation of the StructuredText and Setext lightweight markup systems.”

The primary goal of reStructuredText is to define and implement a markup syntax for use in Python docstrings and other documentation domains, that is readable and simple, yet powerful enough for non-trivial use. The intended purpose of the markup is the conversion of reStructuredText documents into useful structured data formats.

Global View of Steps To Use reStructured Text

  1. Install Python 2.7 or later https://www.python.org/downloads
  2. Make sure docutils is installed http://docutils.sourceforge.net
  3. Sphinx* http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable

*My understanding is that docutils can generate documentation without Sphinx. But Sphinx is recommended for increased ease and functionality. I used Sphinx to generate these pages. This text (from the Sphinx link above) describes the relationship of the software: “Sphinx uses reStructuredText as its markup language, and many of its strengths come from the power and straightforwardness of reStructuredText and its parsing and translating suite, the Docutils.”